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Posts Tagged ‘bankroll’

PostHeaderIcon To Quit Or Not To Quit, That Is The Question

For a most of casino games including Blackjack, there are always strategies by which one can play and more often win the game. It is very important, however, before learning such strategies, that we understand the basic rules of the game.

The basic aim of Blackjack is to beat the dealer and this can be done in two ways: either by beating the dealer’s hand; or letting the dealer’s hand go ‘bust’. To beat the dealer’s hand you should have a total value of cards equal to or less than 21, but still higher than the dealer. If your hand exceeds 21, you are considered ‘bust’. So similarly to by the second technique, to have the dealer’s hand go ‘bust’, his value should exceed 21 whilst yours is still within it. Also, in a game like blackjack, the suit of the card doesn’t matter, only its value.

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